Thursday, April 9, 2009







Monday, April 6, 2009

sakura sakura

you know, it is pretty darn wonderful the way Japanese culture has certain event centered around the timing of the natural world.

hanami is one of these, and seeing the lanterns along Meguro river, and the people throwing down tarps and having food and drink while staring at the blossoms is quite amazing.

really, nothing says spring like sakura...




Monday, February 23, 2009

back and forth I sway with the wind...

I have recently been reading Timothy Ferriss' book "The 4-Hour Work-week", and one of the paths he suggests for people is ways to be able to work remotely abroad for their companies, to escape being trapped in stagnation in a single locale.

Funny, I am already doing this.
I am in a pretty good place being able to go back and forth to Japan several times a year, for a month each time.

I have certainly thought about moving to Japan more long term, but for now having all of this movement is excellent...









Sunday, November 2, 2008

"god can change your life"?

So, in browsing other blogs today, I came across a google adwords ad with the title:

"god can change your life - see how"

I was taken aback at the sheer ridiculousness of this statement.

I suppose the ad was written for some christian organization, but man, whosever rhetoric it is, they are clearly not thinking it through.

if god is all-powerful and all-pervasive, there is NO WAY god is not already in your life.
and if god is already all around you, what would you need to change your life for?

people often, in my observation, justify the things that THEY want and desire for themselves as being something that "god wants".

if god is everywhere, in every thing, then everything is already what god wants, exactly as it is.

now if they had said - "awareness of god will change your life", then that has some meaning.

but still I am not convinced that they have this concept down either...


I am back in Japan.

And drinking milk.

And I love it.

What the heck?

It really does seem pretty incongruent that one of my must have experiences in a country in Asia would be a dairy product.
Traditionally, Japan hasn't really had a cuisine that used any dairy at all.

But nowadays certainly things are different.
I don't know if people drink nearly as much milk per person here as they do in the western world, but they do drink it, and it is common enough to appear at every convenience store.

The milk here comes from Hokkaido, and I don't know if they are just happier cows or what, but the creaminess is undeniable.
It tastes sooo much better than the milk back home!

as they say in the otaku culture over!

Monday, August 25, 2008

11th hour

...and I'm going to Burn.

Both other years I have gone to the playa have involved significant preparation, and up till yesterday I was certain that I was not going to go this year.

But last Friday I got offered a free ticket, and although I hesitated at first due to lack of preparation and a billion things to do back home, over the weekend I realized that I can use the expansion.

Besides, I have been wanting to take a small trip anyways...

Interestingly enough, a big motivating factor for me this time is that I am going alone.
I plan to camp with my boss when I get there, but the drive there and back will be me alone with my own space for how ever many hours per direction.

That rules.
I feel like 1) striking out on my own and 2) having the time to myself are elements that I can really use right now, especially since I feel like I have decent amount of internal "sorting" to do.

Of course, it will be amazing being at BM and the Friday lineup at OT is worth going for alone, but I am really looking forward to the road trip with my own company!

And it is interesting to do something like this with supremely minimal preparation - this time it's only me, my tent, and some water and solid-state food...