Monday, May 26, 2008


dear lord, what are we going to do with all of it?

There is so much stuff.

I was cleaning out some things left behind in the garage of a previous house yesterday, and one of the big items in there was an entire crate of VHS video cassettes.

These are now useless, outmoded, and take up a ton of space not to mention the amounts of petroleum, chemicals and energy that went into their manufacture. They are not resaleable, or even donateable, and as far as I know you can't even recycle them.

So what is left - the dump? They will take a very long time to biodegrade. A VERY long time. I'm sure that by the time they do, no one will be using physical media for video. At all.

Which is honestly the way it NEEDS to be.

Eventually, DVDs will become outdated, and even if they didn't there are tons of them sitting around unwanted and unwatched even now. Millions of pounds of packaging.

Seeing this pile of poly plastics in front of me really made me quite upset about our use of resources.

As did the pile of left over mail from when I used to live there.
Bill after bill, catalogs, mountains of junk mail that was never looked at or had a purpose.
All made by deforesting are planet.

If there ever was a blight on this world it is certainly physical media.

I don't really like reading off of a screen all that much - but when you consider what it takes out of the world, even paper needs to go.

Come on people (including myself) - technology can totally solve this issue.

Maybe the Amazon Kindle will do well??

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